Hire a Residential Electrician in Comal County, TX to Install Exterior Security Lighting Before Daylight Gets Too Short

exterior light

It’s already that time of the fall season again when the clocks have fallen back an hour. The days are shorter, which means it’s getting darker earlier and earlier, and they’ll get even shorter come winter. With all this darkness, it’s probably pretty difficult to see what’s going on in your front yard and backyard. If the exterior of your home is lacking adequate lighting, then you should consider putting some lighting fixtures in this fall.

With that in mind, here are a few good reasons to hire a residential electrician in Comal County, TX to install exterior security lighting before the daylight hours get too short.

Outdoor safety

At some point, you’ve probably come home late at night, only to realize you did not leave the porch light on. If you install automatic security lights at all paths around your home, you will trip less often because you will be able to see where you’re going, as well as find the keyhole. In addition to improved outdoor safety for you, your plants and outdoor fixtures have a better chance of remaining intact—otherwise, people may step on or run into them as they stumble through the darkness.

Increased security

Homeowners who want an extra padding of home security should consider installing outdoor security lights. A top reason a residential electrician in Comal County, TX gets a call to install motion sensor security lights is because a homeowner wants to deter thieves. These lights pop on based on the movement of a person, animal or vehicle and depending on the light’s sensitivity level. Criminals are less likely to move forward with a break-in if there’s a chance a spotlight will shine down on them.

Keep critters out of your yard

Sure, raccoons, skunks, squirrels, opossums and neighborhood cats are cute, but they could be wreaking havoc on your garden late at night. While an auto-sensor sprinkler that only shoots streams of water when triggered is an option, it can be quite messy and loud, and you probably don’t want to set out traps either. Instead, to dissuade regular nighttime critter guests from entering your property, get a few motion sensor security lights. Most creatures will scare easily and take off.

Adds curb appeal

Your front yard landscaping might be beautiful, but no one is going to see it at night when it’s dark. Along with outdoor landscape lighting, also consider including security lights to light up the front yard with just the right amount of brightness. If you want lights in an area where outdoor electricity is absent, hire an electrician to install more power outlets or run new lines under your yard. Additionally, install the right security lights and you will add value and aesthetics to your property.

While there are many reasons for installing outdoor lighting around your property, safety is the most important. If you would like to speak with a knowledgeable residential electrician in Comal County, TX or are interested in a service estimate, don’t hesitate to contact the team at Lowry Electrical today!
